Uncategorized March 16, 2018

Before & After – The Importance of Staging

Before & After – The Importance of Staging

By: Annie Cash

You love your home and all your stuff. You should, you live there. But what about when it’s time to move, and more importantly, sell? You want your home to appeal to buyers in a way that they could envision themselves living there.

The goal of staging is to make the home speak to everyone else, in a compelling and positive way. You don’t want your stuff distracting your buyers from the amazing features that will make your home sell. 



Stacks of papers —> buyer’s think there’s not enough storage

Kitchen counters covered —> buyer’s think there’s not enough cabinets

Master closet filled to the brim —> buyer’s think the closet is too small 

Bedrooms with too much furniture —> buyer’s think the room is cramped and too small 

When your home is clean, clutter-free, and/or staged. you are telling potential buyers that you take good care of your home, while giving them a clean slate to imagine themselves living there. 

81% of Realtors said staging helps buyers visualize the property as a future home, while 46% said it makes prospective buyers more willing to walk through a home they saw online. 

Ready to get started? Check out my –TIPS FOR DECLUTTERING

Annie Cash

So, you can either be the “house with the beautiful granite counters and fantastic views” or the “house with the National Geographic collection where the dinning table is supposed to be.”

You might be interested in…

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Uncategorized March 15, 2018

From Their Farm to Your Table

From Their Farm to Your Table

From Their Farm to Your Table, Whidbey Island


Just like most things nostalgic, many of us can recall our parents or grandparents growing something tasty in a small veggie garden. Remember those little cherry tomatoes that grow and develop into vibrant, juicy, delectable, red balls of happiness that burst in your mouth and send a tingle all the way down to your toes. If you have not been lucky enough to experience this taste and feeling you need to put that on your to do list this summer!

There is just something extra yummy about fresh out of the ground, sun-warmed produce.

You may be a little challenged in the gardening department or more likely just too busy to tend a garden. You may be wishing you could grow your own fresh produce instead of digging through bins at the store for an acceptable looking vegetable from halfway across the world.

If this is you, a farm share may be the perfect solution and an experience that every Whidbey resident should have at least once!

Wait a minute, what on earth is a farm share? (Don’t worry, many say the same thing when they first learned about them!)

A farm share allows you to purchase a weekly “share” from a local farm’s crop. We are so lucky here on Whidbey to have agriculture and amazing produce farms just minutes away.

Check it out! Some things you should know about how important and special farm shares are…

#1 Eating seasonally tastes better! When you purchase fresh-grown produce, you are receiving crops that change with seasons. Unlike the grocery store, where everything is available most of the year, farm shares are providing you with produce that grows and ripens at different times of the year. Naturally ripened food that doesn’t have to travel far tastes different, better…

#2 Get creative & adventurous in the kitchen! With trying new produce comes trying new recipes, experimenting with your new-found veggies, and learning how to cook with the seasons. This is an excellent chance to experience produce you have never tried or may have never heard of before. You may end up with things like arugula, green garlic, beans, beets, broccoli, carrots, chard, pears, apples, strawberries… the list goes on and on!

#3 Support the rural/agricultural feel of Whidbey by supporting our local farmers! By participating in a farm share, you are not only enjoying fresh produce each week, you are supporting a local farmer and the local economy. Farms shares cut out the middle man. Instead of being sent off for packaging and delivery, produce is harvested and put together in a box, basket, or bag for you to take home and enjoy. By paying for your share upfront, the farmer can use that money to purchase seeds, bulbs, and other necessities to keep their farm running, and provide you with high quality produce. Another bonus: knowing how much crop they need helps farmers plan better for the growing season, resulting in less waste!

So, where on Whidbey Island can you participate in a farm share? Several farms in Coupeville, Freeland, Langley, and Clinton participate in Community Supported Agriculture programs (CSA). The growing season typically runs the end of March through November/September, and prices range from $200-$800 a growing season, depending on how large of a selection you want each week. Some of these farms offer fresh eggs, poultry, and pork as well. Each farm has a different process for sign up, payment, and pick up so be sure to check out their website to find out how you can get involved in your very own farm share.

Prairie Bottom Farm- Coupeville

Wilbur & Julieanna Purdue



Rosehip Farm & Garden- Coupeville

Linda Bartlett & Valerie Reuther



Deep Harvest Farm- Freeland

Annie Jesperson & Nathaniel Talbot



12 Birches Farm- Langley

Anna Petersons



Ebb Tide Produce- Langley

Blake & Bobbie Mennella

Jack Baars, Whitney Heitzman



Full Cycle Farm- Langley

Britt & Eric Conn



SkyRoot Farm- Clinton

Beth Wheat & Arwen Norman


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Uncategorized March 5, 2018

Purchasing Vacant Land

Purchasing vacant land:

Written by: Simona Groves


Simona Groves, Vacant Land

Ahhhh, the lovely earthy scent produced by the rain or the morning dew, the buzzing of the bees and the many of shades of green enchanting the view. Who doesn’t like to be immersed into nature and fantasize about living in it?

If you are one of the many Americans that would love to buy raw land and build your dream home, let me help you with this complex but exciting task.

Make sure you take into consideration these details:

How will you pay?


If you don’t have a preferred lender let me know and I can help with the perfect match.

Understand how the land can be used. Local government usually have established zoning regulations.

Call your local planning and zoning department and they will provide you with the information.

Check the island county webpage here 

We will need to do some research and this will include things that can be forgotten: utilities.

You need to make sure to check if the lot has access to public utilities: electricity, sewer, gas, water etc.

Last but not least, make sure you do thorough and expansive research about home builders.

I would be more than happy to give my recommendations.

Buy Land


Learn more about Simona Groves:



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Uncategorized March 2, 2018

How to Install Laminate Flooring

How to Install Laminate Flooring:

Written by: Anita Johnston

Flooring, Laying Laminate Flooring, Anita Johnston

How many times have you thought “I can install laminate flooring” or “I wish I could do that?”  Flooring is one of those renovation projects that allure newbies most often.  After mastering the skill of installing your own floor it can liberate the home owner which can be good and bad for a home.

I have walked through many homes and within a second I can pick out a home owner renovation project.  From spaces between cabinets that weren’t properly attached together or gaps that weren’t perfectly filled with a filler pencil.  And flooring………. I have seen the worst flooring jobs while touring houses for sale.  A new floor can add great value to a home.  But an improperly installed floor can actually deduct value from a home.  I just saw this recently with a home that the appraiser specifically noted the poor flooring installation and downgraded the value of the home.

flooring pattern Anita Johnston

There’s several things to keep in mind when installing flooring.  Prepping the floor is a must.  If you’ve removed carpet then you definitely had to endure the tedious task of removing staples that was holding down the carpet pad.

Anita Johnston Demonstrating flooring install


Sweeping the floor to make double sure that there’s nothing sticking up that won’t allow the floor to lie perfectly flat and level.  Second you need to decide where to start.  If it’s just one room that’s easier.  You simply start running your flooring parallel to the entrance.  Once you lay out your first row you will then take your cut board and lay it in place to start your next row.  There should never be less than 4″  from the end of one board to and other ends the row before or after. You should tap the boards together until they click together and all gaps are gone.


Uncategorized March 1, 2018

The Salty Mug

The Salty Mug Coupeville Washington, Coffee ShopLooking for that extra special coffee?

You cannot beat this specialty salted caramel coffee drink, named “The Salty Mug” from… well The Salty Mug.

Take a stroll down the Coupeville Wharf and you will come upon a beautiful red barn nestled by the waves at the end. Inside you will find a gift shop, a restaurant and The Salty Mug coffee shop. Don’t forget to look up and see Rosie the Gray whale while inside as well as the Handsome Samson & Rudy!

Coupeville warf, Red Barn, Ocean

Towards the back of the building you will discover a small entrance to a quaint coffee shop, The Salty Mug. Inside you will notice art hanging on the walls featuring local artists, fresh baked goodies lining the counters and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. There is cozy seating inside with glorious views out the windows looking across Penn Cove allowing you to enjoy the view even on the chilly days.

Ask owner David Howell (pictured) and his wife Pat what their suggested drink is and they will say, “the salty mug of course” they are not kidding.  OH MY GOODNESS it is so good you will not want to try anything else.Owner of The Salty Mug

Finally, escape from reality as you venture out the side doors onto their beautiful patio. It is here you get to see some of the most beautiful views on the island. Why not sit awhile and smell the crisp sea breeze and listen to the local wildlife splash in the water. Did I mention the view? Seriously, what is better than a warm cup of coffee while looking at the majestic snow capped mountains across the ocean?

Snow capped Mountains

For more about The Salty Mug  click here.

Video on the History of the Coupeville Wharf:

Keep a watch out for other blogs:

Harbor Gift N’Kayak Rental

The cove Café

Uncategorized February 28, 2018

State of the Base – November 2017

Written by Don Jaques November 29, 2017 Planes, Base

Today I attended the annual “State of the Base” meeting with the North Puget Sound Area Realtors.  Captain Geoff Moore, Commanding Officer of Naval Air Station Whidbey Island (NASWI), gave a 20 minute presentation that included some interesting facts and figures affecting life and the real estate market in the North Whidbey region.

Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Update

For the last few years the Navy has been studying the environmental impact of increasing the amount of jets (most importantly the “Growler” jets) based at NASWI.  This lengthy report was supposed to be finalized this fall, but some important technological changes have caused a delay in the final report, which is now expected in the fall of 2018.

What is this important technological change?  Please forgive my lack of technical knowledge (I was scribbling notes as fast as I could at the meeting!)  A new way of training jet pilots in their carrier landings through a simulator has shown to be very effective, and the Navy is fast-tracking it’s deployment as a training method.  The advantage of this is it reduces the amount of actual “touch and go’s” that pilots need to take the noisy Growlers through.

Here are some numbers.  Currently NASWI runs approximately 24,000 touch and go repetitions each year, split between the Outlying Field (OLF) in Coupeville, and the main runways at Ault Field in Oak Harbor.  The worst case scenario for the amount of these repetitions with the coming of additional Growlers to NASWI in the preliminary version of the EIS was approximately 42,000 – almost a 100% increase.  Captain Moore stated that with the new technology those numbers would be reduced to around 32,000.  This is still a 33% increase in noise generating flights, but not nearly the increase originally projected.

Go to the NASWI EIS website

TAKEAWAY:  At this point there is no way to know what percentage of these touch and go trainings will happen in Coupeville, and how many will be in Oak Harbor.  What is known is that the normal flight pattern is not expected to change from it’s current pattern.  This means that people living in the noise zones will most likely experience an increase in the amount of time each year they experience “the sound of freedom”.  Those who only occasionally experience noise from the jets will likely not notice a huge difference. (Request a noise zone map.)

The Navy and the Housing Shortage

Commander Moore showed graphs which demonstrated that we are currently at the top of the growth curve for personnel on the base (both military and civilian).  Although there are still 3 squadrons slated to be transferred to NASWI in the next couple years, other changes in base operations will result in a net zero increase from the current amount of people coming in and out of the gates each day.

The Navy’s internal studies of housing within a 60 minute commute shows that there are adequate options for their personnel.  Although housing is tight in Oak Harbor close to the base, their studies show there is sufficient housing within that 60-minute radius (which includes all of Whidbey Island, Fidalgo Island, and along the Hwy 20 corridor out to Sedro Woolley).  For this reason, the Navy is not planning on constructing any new housing on or near NASWI in the near future.

TAKEAWAY: If these projected numbers are accurate, then the shortage of available, affordable housing now happening in North Whidbey and the surrounding regions will likely continue, but not get increasingly worse in the coming years. The Sellers’ market we have experienced the past few years is not likely to change in the near future.

Water Quality Around The Runways

In the last year contamination in underground water near Navy runways around the country has been linked to the use of a certain chemical used in putting out fires, and in training for putting out fires.  This prompted testing of wells within a reasonable radius of both Ault Field and the Outlying Field.  Captain Moore said that to date just over 200 homeowners have responded to the Navy’s offer to test their well.  Of these, 10 wells were found to be above the EPA’s safety level for that chemical.  Those homeowners have been supplied bottled water and the investigation into the severity of the problem and possible solutions is still underway.

More information about the Navy’s groundwater and drinking water investigation

TAKEAWAY:  Anyone living with one mile of either Ault Field’s runways or the Outlying Field is urged to have their well tested.  Also, anyone purchasing a home within these areas should require the disclosure of results from this testing before going through with a purchase.


Regardless of any individual’s feelings about living with Naval Air Station Whidbey Island nearby, life on North/Central Whidbey Island as well as Fidalgo Island involves enjoying the benefits and mitigating the negative aspects of the Navy base’s presence and “the Sound of Freedom”.  Having lived on North Whidbey since 2002 I am available to answer your questions about life here including the pros and the cons.  (I think the pros far outweigh the cons!)


Find more articles by Don Jaques by clicking here.

Uncategorized February 27, 2018

Looking for a Little Sunshine on a Cloudy Day?

Looking for a little sunshine on a cloudy day?

Stop by Sunshine drip in Coupeville, the one-stop shop that never disappoints. No matter what time of day, sit down for a steamy cup of coffee or a scrumptious meal. Then be inspired by their ever-changing décor, that is also for sale. Yep, you heard that right, it’s FOR SALE! This cozy little shop will give you the perfect excuse to spruce up that hall table that has been collecting dust for a while…. You know which one we are talking about. Perhaps you need a little inspiration for your new home, and don’t know where to start. Sunshine Drip offers a large selection of unique décor that will surely have you leaving with a bag full of new things. Your mind will be exploding with ideas!

Not only do they carry some of the coolest décor, they also feature one of a kind jewelry, accessories, skin care, candles, coffee mugs, and so much more! Many of the items they sell are hand crafted and locally made, making them great gifts for friends and family. Maybe you will even find a little something for yourself.


We love a place you can shop and eat all in one spot, and you won’t want to leave without at least grabbing a cup of coffee and some home-made baked goods! If you’re there for lunch, we recommend giving their Fruit and Greens salad a try! The house made blackberry vinaigrette dressing, fresh greens, fruits, and generous portion size make it a favorite. However, if salad is not your thing? Try their paninis, they are made with fresh oystercatcher bread and bursting with delicious flavor.


If you’ve ever paid a visit to Sunshine Drip let us know what your favorite menu item is! If you have yet to visit, you’re missing out! So, once you give it a try we’d love to hear all about it!

Check out their website here.

Uncategorized February 27, 2018

National Pie Day

Did you know that the first pie recipe was published during the Roman Empire? Earlier pies were mainly meat pies and later on, during the 12th century in England, they evolved into a more modern pie resemblance.

These days we enjoy pies all over the world, and it is a staple dessert in America.

Today, January 23rd 2018, is National Pie Day and I decided to get my pie fix at Greenbank Farm.

I went to Whidbey Pie Cafe’, and let me tell you….this place is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! If you’ve never been, now is the time to change that. From delicious coffee, sandwiches and soups, to pie galore you find a little bit of everything at Whidbey Pie Cafe. Local produce is used, along with coconut oil, fruits and berries from the Pacific Northwest.

Every holiday is an excuse for me to go ahead and order a pie from this local business. For you berry lovers, the marionberry pie is a must try! The caramel apple pie…. Oh My!


By: Simona Groves

For more blogs by Simona Groves Click Here.

Uncategorized February 27, 2018

Local Date Night Spots

You’ve probably seen it, the Valentine’s décor and candy lining the shelves at just about every retail establishment you visit. This could only mean one thing… Valentine’s Day is just around the corner!

With this year’s love holiday fast approaching, you may be thinking of the perfect place to take your sweetheart. Well, look no further! We are going to highlight over the next few days, two of our favorite local places Oak Harbor, Coupeville, Anacortes.

Date Nights, Favorites, Oak Harbor

Oak Harbor #1 – Frasers Gourmet Hideaway

Beloved by many, Frasers is a favorite in Oak Harbor. In fact, the Oak Harbor Ukaladies even recommend stopping by “Frasers for Crème Brule” in their video, “Oak Harbor Love Song”. (Link: https://vimeo.com/200834285 ). Frasers is known for their gourmet dining experience and superior menu options that range from seafood to chicken and waffles. The menu at Frasers changes with the seasons to take advantage of fresh local ingredients, giving you a wide variety of options to choose from. After you’ve indulged on your unique dish, don’t forget to grab some dessert! The Crème Brule perhaps?


Oak Harbor #2 – Blue Fox Drive-In

Another Oak Harbor favorite, the Blue Fox Drive-in never disappoints! Cozy up with some blankets and pillows in your car, and feel like a teenager again sneaking in some kisses during the film. The snack bar is loaded with all your favorite comfort foods, candy, and of course popcorn smothered with buttery goodness! If you really want to bring out your inner child, win some prizes at the arcade while you wait for the movie to begin, or take a ride on the go carts (only open in Spring/Summer). The Drive in is a timeless activity that is fun for all!

Coupeville #1 – Christopher’s on Whidbey

Located in Coupeville, Christopher’s is the perfect place if you’re looking for a casual dining spot, with the experience of a high-end restaurant. Exclusively on Valentine’s day, Christopher’s is serving a special “Valentine’s dinner for two”. You will enjoy a 4-course meal that is thoughtfully prepared by Master Chef, Andreas Wurzrainer. Chef Andreas is known for preparing meals at 4-star restaurants in Europe, aboard luxury expedition ships, and at the Olympic Four Seasons Hotel in Seattle. With his expertise and talents in the kitchen, your taste buds are sure to be delighted! Make a reservation soon because the intimate dining room fills up fast.


Coupeville #2 – Ciao

Maybe a fancy meal just isn’t your style… If that’s the case, check out Ciao in Coupeville! Ciao is known for their fresh Neapolitan (Link to site: http://ciaocoupeville.com/tradition/ ) pizza “made the old fashioned way”, and creamy Gelato with flavors changing through the seasons. Ciao is a real treasure of Whidbey Island, making it an excellent place to take that special someone. To hear from the owner himself about what makes Ciao unique check out this video (link to Simona’s Ciao video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7o-bEZIa_0 )

Anacortes #1 – Ciao Bella

Another Italian gem, Ciao Bella in Anacortes is small but offers a superb dining experience! With candles on the table, soft lighting, and pasta on the menu (Lady and the Tramp anyone?), you couldn’t ask for a more romantic setting. Ciao Bella serves a variety of authentic Italian dishes, made fresh and in house daily, as well Italian beers, making it feel like a real Italian get-a-way!


Anacortes #2 – Dad’s Diner

Who says a great date can only happen at dinner time? Try out a brunch date at Dad’s Diner in Anacortes! Dad’s Diner will make you feel right at home with the inviting atmosphere and friendly service. Known for their exceptional breakfast and house made smoked meats, Dad’s Diner continues to be a favorite among locals and tourists alike. Dad’s Diner gives you a cozy diner setting complete with chalkboard menus, seat yourself service, and food that has enormous flavor! Dad’s Diner is great for a casual and relaxed date, without missing out on an exceptional dining experience.


Whidbey is packed with local treasures. You really don’t have to go far to find a place that will make your Valentine’s Day extra special!

Uncategorized February 27, 2018

Rainy Days on Whidbey

Rainy Days On Whidbey Despite what many think, Oak Harbor is not the rainiest city. In fact, Oak Harbor is situated in what called a “rain shadow”. This means, here in Oak Harbor, we experience less rainfall than our neighboring areas. The surrounding mountains shelter us from rain-bearing winds. While we do experience a variation in the amount of rainfall, we typically see the most in the month of November and the least in July. Of course, some days we see more than others. While many associate rainfall with dreary grey skies we see beauty. Our high spirited community keeps us moving.

For example, many locations around our community have been graced with invisible street art. Check out the image below:

Rainy Days on Whidbey, Street art, Rainy Days, whidbey Island, Oak Harbor

This is the invisible street art in front of our Oak Harbor location. This art only shows up when it rains. So during our next wonderful rainy days on Whidbey, get outside and discover more of these fun pieces of art. Don’t forget to share your findings in the comments below.