Your Guide to Greenbank Whidbey Island

(Things to do in Greenbank Washington)

Greenbank is a sweet little gem, a heart stone in the middle of the island. Let tranquility and beauty surround you while you go enjoy some really neat spots.

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Best spots to visit in Greenbank:

Greenbank Farm, Whidbey Island

Greenbank farm is iconic on Whidbey Island and a must stop location if you are in the area.

On a clear summer day from the top of the hill
at Greenbank Farm, you can see the Cascades
and the Olympic mountain ranges, along with
the sparkling water of the Puget Sound. All
while surrounded by wildflowers as great blue
herons fly overhead.

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Greenbank farm is also home to one of our amazing off-leash dog parks on Whidbey. You can really tell the city dogs as they run by with a touch of crazed glee at all the space they have to roam.

After wandering on the hill, wander to the old farm buildings where there's pie.  Did you hear me? Pie! Whidbey Pies started here!  Served at Old Spots Bistro.

Whidbey Pies at Greenbank Farm
Greenbank Farm Cheese & Wine Shop

Be inspired to take home a piece of art from one of the art galleries.  A cheese shop and a wine store round out the retail spaces, and the Master Gardens will entice you for a stroll by the pond as you wind down your stay.

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South Whidbey State Park | Greenbank Activities

South Whidbey State Park is a local favorite. Towering cedars and Douglas firs (some of the oldest on the island) surround your choice of trail through the forest, along the bluff, or down to the beach. 

Breathe in the smell of the blue Puget Sound water and views of the Olympic Mountains as you set up your picnic lunch at a table with a view.

Puget Sound Water from South Whidbey State Park
Amphitheater | South Whidbey State Park

Find the amphitheater and practice your Greek drama. It's generally pretty quiet as there is no overnight campground; your only audience may be the local wildlife. Don't forget your Discovery Pass!

Looking to build your dream home in Greenbank on Whidbey Island?

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"I have envisioned for the future… a peaceful woodland garden,"

Quote from Ann Wright Meerkerk in 1979. And wow, did she and her husband Max ever make one.

Fifty-three acres of forest preserve and a truly stunning collection of rhododendrons and native plantings comprise this beautiful garden with walking paths and a nursery. Their annual rhodie sale pulls folks from all over the region, and the Mother's Day concert on the grass overlooking the water is a standing tradition.

Merkerk Gardens Walking Map | Trails on Whidbey Island
Greenbank Pantry & Deli | Things to do on Whidbey Island

Greenbank Pantry & Deli have quickly become integral to the feeding of folks who live nearby and roam up and down the island.

Excellent sandwiches on homemade bread, extra bits of exotic cheese to try, and shelves full of condiments you had that one time and loved but can never remember. It's on 525 and tiny so don't blow by on your way somewhere else. Stop.

Greenbank Pantry & Deli | Places to eat on Whidbey Island

Greenbank is not flashy and sparkly, but it is a glorious place to center yourself in the serenity of this beautiful island. Make sure to take the time to visit and just breathe here. Be here! 


Greenbank. <3


Written by Jenny Hooper

Photos, Editing, & Webpage by & Si Fisher